
Ulli The Wonder Dog

I've just photographed Ulli who looks after his disabled owner, Claire. He's a retriver-poodle, an incredible dog with an amazingly close relationship with Claire. He can find anything and bring it to her including her keys, the phone when it rings, the post, slippers etc but he also helps her to get dressed and empty the washing machine.



He's trained by an organisation called Canine Partners.


Jadie And Tia

This is Jadie, age 10 who has had diabetes for just 3 months. We did the shoot in my local park, she's roller-skating with her dog, Tia. Recently diagnosed she is still getting used to her new life with diabetes. She says....

To begin with it  wasn't so bad  did my own bloods from the begining and then started injecting myself after about 3 weeks . had a bad week this month because my injections started to hurt and  I don't want to be diabetic anymore but it has it’s plus sides, I can eat in class when my friends can't. Being diabetic hasn't stopped me doing anything, I go roller skating nearly every day and Tia can pull me along. I swim with my friends and love playing on my trampoline. I don't feel any different to my friends but they all know if  have a hypo when I am with them, as long as  have my packet of dextrose tablets with me  I am fine’

Perky Popstress

Last in the current series of 'nice ladies with their dogs' and also shot by me in front of a window at her north London home is perky popster, Nerina Pallot. Attractive, talented and really nice, singer songwriter, Nerina seems to be on the verge of something with her quite good new single, "I Don't Want To Go Out" which looks like it was also located in the front room of her Camden flat.

Husky And Mischievous


Another day and another attractive older lady with a dog. Today's Daily Mail featured this shot of mine to go with a Felicity Kendal interview. She worked with me, her spaniel and a stepladder to create this unforgettable image. Well unforgettable for me anyway and I certainly won't forget what The Mail, right for a change, describe as her "husky and mischievous chuckle".

Janet Is A Punk Rocker

I've just had the honour of pointing my lens at the lovely Janet Ellis. The ex-Blue Peter presenter, asthma sufferer and mother of Sophie Ellis-Bexter posed at her west London home with Lucy, her large shaggy dog, who is not normally allowed on the sofa. I noticed that Janet's cd collection contained The Ramones Anthology, it was probably her husband's, but anyway she rocks! (I wasn't snooping by the way, it's an easilly recognisable double cd with pink writing).